水熊虫 Water Bears
缓步动物门是动物界的一个门,是俗称水熊虫(Water Bear)的一类小型动物,主要生活在淡水的沉渣、潮湿土壤以及苔藓植物的水膜中,少数种类生活在海水的潮间带。有記錄的大约有750余种,其中许多种是世界性分布的。在喜马拉雅山(6000m 以上)或深海(4000m 以下)都可以找到它們的蹤影.

These tiny creatures can withstand more than any other animal on the planet, and you can probably find some in your backyard. They are truly nature's greatest survivors.
Tardigrades (Known as water bears or moss piglets) are some of the most interesting animals in the world, simply because they can survive so well in the most extreme conditions.
These small, segmented animals were discovered by Johann August Ephraim Goeze, an aquatic zoologist, in 1773. Over 900 species of water bears have been found everywhere around the world - from the Himalayan mountains (at elevations of over 6000 meters) to deep ocean areas (4000 meters below sea level). They are most often discovered on mosses, lichens, and various types of sediments. An easy way to observe them is to soak a piece of moss in spring water.
Freeze them, boil them, dry them, expose them to open space & radiation - after 200 years they'll still be alive!
The amazing thing about these tiny, 1mm creatures is just how resilient they are to about everything. You can put them in space, in hot sea vents, and freeze them - no matter what you do, they'll survive.
These tiny organisms can be found everywhere - in fact, there are probably hundreds just a few meters from where you are standing. They aren't as publicized as they should be, but these creatures are truly fascinating. It's amazing that these miniscule beings can survive for so long when others will die out.