The REN Building is a proposal for a hotel, sports and conference center for the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. The building is conceived as two buildings merging into one. The first building, emerging from the water, is devoted to the activities of the body, and houses the sports and water culture center. The second building emerging from land, is devoted to the spirit and enlightment, and houses the conference center and meeting facilities. The two buildings meet in a 1000 room hotel, a building for living. The building becomes the Chinese sign for 'The People', and a recognizable landmark for the World Expo in China. 上海將會在二零一零年主辦世界博覽會,而據了解,最近當局也舉行多項徵集活動,其中一項應該是展覽主館的設計徵集活動。在網上連到一間在丹麥哥本哈根為基地的建築公司與組織 - Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG),為這個世界博覽會設計出這真正由人組成,並且在內能體現、散發中國文化的建築物。 引述上海世界博覽會網站,上海世博會將是探討人類城市生活的盛會,主題為「城市,讓生活更美好」,令參觀者在展覽中更能重新了解城市、人類活動、持續發展等議題。這建築以人來作主體,可見想帶給人的,正是這次世博會想要帶給人的,重新審視圍繞人每天生活的一點一滴。 人的大廈,由人建造.