The 18 Lohan / Arhats 十八罗汉

Buddhism is one of the world's most popular religions, and this Hindu-based belief system is moving from its traditional base in Asia and being adopted by many people in North America and Europe. Buddhist mythology centers around the teachings of "the Buddha," who attained spiritual peace and enlightenment. While Buddhists do not worship the Buddha or any other deities or icons, icons and art have become an important part of Buddhist beliefs and practice. While the figure of Buddha sitting with hands clasped is perhaps the most famous of these icons, the 18 Lohans or Arhats are also an important part of any Buddhist temple.
Lohans are followers of Buddhism's "Eightfold Path" who have achieved full spiritual fulfillment. They have reached "Nirvana," the state of absolute freedom from worldly cravings, and because of this they are no longer subject to reincarnation. Their eternal status makes them akin to guardian angels, adept at warding off evil. Figures or paintings of the 18 Lohan adorn the entranceway of Buddhist temples, protecting those within from evil and allowing them to open themselves to meditation and spiritual exploration. There were originally only 16 Lohan; two were added in the Chinese Tang dynasty, which was when the first paintings of the 18 Lohan were created. The 18 Lohan are the most prominent Lohan – up to 500 "lesser" Lohan aid the 18 in warding off evil.
The 18 Lohan were first painted in 891 A.D. by Chinese Buddhist monk Guan Xiu, who is said to have been visited by the Lohan in his dreams. The 18 Lohan are generally presented in they are said to have appeared to Guan Xiu: Deer Sitting, Happy, Raised Bowl, Raised Pagoda, Meditating, Oversea, Elephant Riding, Laughing Lion, Open Heart, Raised Hand, Thinking, Scratched Ear, Calico Bag, Plantain, Long Eyebrow, Doorman, Taming Dragon and Taming Tiger. The names of these figures provide insight into their attributes, special skills, or spiritual message. These attributes have been passed down through legends, and although Guan Xiu's paintings are considered to be the definitive images of the Lohans, other artists have sought to create their own interpretation of these figures. Thus images of the 18 Lohans vary between Buddhist nations and can depend on the time period in which they were created.
Paintings and images of the 18 Lohans are mostly used in Buddhist temples, but many new Buddhists or art collectors have sought to have these figures as a part of their home. Small statues, paintings, tracings, and engravings of the 18 Lohans are available from many different sources, and can make your home's entranceway more interesting and colorful. They can also form an invaluable part of your collection of Asian art.
我们已知道十六罗汉在古印度佛教中已成立。唐代开始十六罗汉的信仰在中国普及。十八罗汉和五百罗汉的信仰是中国唐末以后形成并广泛普及开来的。十八罗汉是由十六罗汉发展而来的。北宋时期,已有很多画家画十八罗汉图,至于五百罗汉也于十八罗汉一样,为中国独创。  宋以来的罗汉画像流散于海外的有不少。在日本东京国立博物馆、京都的清凉寺、大德寺、高台寺、相国寺、等处,收藏了一批中国古代罗汉画像.




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